• Current Basic Information
  • Consent
  • Fees
  • Complete

Priory Pumas Registration Form

Please read the Club Ethos and Philosophy, this can also be access via Facebook group / your coach.  This details how the club is managed, along with what is expected of all players, their parents/guardians and family members. 

Only register with the club if you have been asked to do so by a club coach. If you are looking to join the club and have not yet spoken to a coach or attended a training session please fill in the Interest in Joining form.


Please use the childs full name as it appears on their Passport / Birth Certificate. This is essential to allow the club to register the player with the relevent league.
Please select No if your child has been registered with Priory Pumas for previous seasons. If this is the first time your child has been registered please select Yes.
in the case of Asthma - please ensure your child has an inhaler available at all times
Please enter the details of a least one of the child's parent / gaurdians.

In order to register your child as a Priory Pumas player with the FA, one of the parents below must have a FAN number. Please ensure the dates of birth below are correct in order to allow the club to find or create the FAN number with the FA

Parent / Guardian 1

Parent / Guardian 2